Product Description

Hookah Flavour

If you are looking for the best hookah flavours to add a twist to your hookah sessions, then you have come to the right place. You can choose from a huge variety of flavours for hookah smokers. There are tobacco-free, herbal and nicotine-less flavours. Whether you are a beginner or a regular hookah smoker, these smoky tangs can give you an all-new experience. The variety of flavours includes double apple, pan kiwi mint, chocolate, orange, paan ras, strawberry, brain in freezer, Belgium chocolate, Dubai special, Kesar paan and many more. While the mint, orange and strawberry hookahs can give you a refreshing feel in summer, the chocolate and pan kiwi mint can be an all-time favourite to uplift your mood. These flavoured hookahs are made up of fruit pulp and flower essence.

  • Herbal Flavours With Zero Tabacco And Zero Nicotine, Added Flavour Substances, Made Of Natural flowers.
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